Trustee - Wiltshire Tennis
We are looking for motivated and diligent volunteers to become Trustees.
At an EGM in July 2024 Wiltshire Tennis Association agreed to change its legal status from an Association to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration was accepted by the Charities Commission on 8 August 2024, and as of 1 January 2025, it transferred operations to the new legal entity.
The object of Wiltshire Tennis is the promotion of community participation in healthy, safe and inclusive recreation by the development and support of sport (primarily being tennis and padel) in the County for the benefit of the inhabitants of the area.
Under charity law, the Board of Trustees has collective responsibility for the governance of and directing how it is managed and run. Trustees must ensure the money provided by funding partners is spent appropriately in realising the organisations’ aims and objectives. Trustees must also ensure the organisation complies with charity law and other relevant legislation. In order to carry out the duties and responsibilities contained in this legislation, a Trustee needs to understand what the organisation aims to do and why, and be able to offer sufficient time to achieving them.